One of the biggest challenges small business owners face is the prospect of doing their own taxes. This alone is enough to scare many away from owning their own small business, as the forms and filing can seem intricate and confusing for those without experience. The truth is, it can be complicated as a small business owner to know if you’re filing your taxes properly.

Erica owns her own public relations company. While she’s worked for herself for four years, she felt overwhelmed by the unexpected costs of running her own business. Anil at 212 Tax was able to help her understand her own expenses so she could navigate her taxes with ease. She appreciates how the hands on help from Anil allows her to focus on her favorite parts of her business.

It’s easy to make a lot of mistakes, especially in your first few years of owning your own small business. These mistakes are often minor, but can sometimes be costly and result in expensive IRS damages. 212 Tax has experience working specifically with small business owners and knows the ins and outs of filing and staying organized. A little preparation goes a long way in overcoming the fear of taxes as a small business owner.

Understand the importance of tax planning.

While more people than ever before are launching their own small businesses, planning for self-employed and small-business taxes takes a lot of work. Many new business owners are responsible for their own federal, state, and self-employment taxes. There are often hidden tax advantages for those owning their own businesses, and these might not be apparent to the inexperienced.

A lot goes into planning your own self-employment and small-business taxes. If you’re a small-business owner, you’ve already got enough on your plate without needing to keep track of potential expenses, deductions, and more. The professionals at 212 Tax can help plan for tax season while advising you in the best filing process.

Spend your time on the things that matter.

You started your own business for a reason. You love building your own project from the ground up, and you want to spend the time on the things that matter the most to you. Most likely, taxes aren’t one of the things that you enjoy. Let the experts at 212 Tax focus on the financial backend of your business while you spend your energy on growing your business.

Avoid Any Surprises

As a small-business owner, the last thing you want is a surprise tax payment at the end of the year. It’s important to speak with a qualified accountant and tax specialist quarterly to avoid any tax penalties. 212 Tax knows how frustrating it can be to navigate a complicated tax environment. The professionals at 212 Tax can avoid small-business owners in the best way to file their own taxes and how to keep costs low and profit high.

Experienced Professionals

The majority of 212 Tax clients are small-business owners and freelancers. With industry experience and understanding, 212 Tax can create a plan that works for every unique businesses needs. When you’re running your own business, accounting and tax services often are pushed to the background in favor of customer service and managing employees. Let 212 Tax take the wheel when it comes to the financial needs of your business.

Speak to a professional today to learn more about what 212 Tax Accounting Services can do for your small-business.